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Safe and reliable school transport initiative launched for more than 2000 Tongaat children

Many of the drivers are regular community members who responded to the need for safe transport.

Transport is one less obstacle in the way of many Tongaat children wanting an education.

A landmark initiative has been launched to provide lifts to and from school for more than 2 000 Tongaat schoolkids.

The Sqalokuhle Scholar Association has now formally regulated a lift system that has been in place in the area since 2020.

It was created in conjunction with Tongaat’s Sqalokuhle Taxi Association, the South African National Taxi Council (Santaco) and the KZN transport department.

“Although it has been successful since it began three years ago, we thought it was important to define what the association was,” said vice-chairman, Rajen Nundhlal.

“There are now formal rules in place about carrying capacity, tariffs and the branding and compliance of vehicles.”

The association has 110 members who are licensed as drivers and boasts 48 taxis along with a further 25 cars with seven seats or more.

Some busy drivers do multiple trips each way to meet the demand.

The area of operation spans the length and breadth of Tongaat, from Belvedere in the south to Frasers in the north and inland to Emona.

Seatides schools are also included as drop-off and pickup points, although only for children from Tongaat.

“The whole process is very transparent and we want to assure parents that their kids are in safe hands,” said Nundhlal.

“All drivers are regulated, so there can be no price gouging and there are systems in place to deal with complaints. The whole concept is to protect our kids.”

Many of the drivers are regular community members who responded to the need for safe transport.

Association secretary Rita Subrayen is one such Belvedere resident who wears many hats.

“I am an educator at Trubel Primary but also drive a Quantum in the mornings and afternoons. My husband does the same. It’s about coming together as a community,” she said.

Pricing is dependent on the length of the trip and is paid monthly for 11 months of the year. December is excluded for school holidays.

The current demand for transport is being met, but Nundhlal said they have reserve members who are ready to join if the need arises.

Call Nundhlal at 074 244 8202 for details on Tongaat central and south, or association chairman Rob Masuku at 078 280 3550 for information on Tongaat north.

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