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Decomposed body found on beach at Zimbali

The body was found by a man walking his dog along the beach.

A severely decomposed body was found washed ashore on a beach at Zimbali today (Tuesday).

It is suspected to be the remains of 30-year-old Ethiopian national Mogos Sanbetu who drowned at Westbrook Beach on Saturday.

Owing to the advanced state of decomposition, DNA testing will be required to confirm the identity.

Samantha Meyrick of IPSS Search and Rescue said the body was found by a man walking his dog along the beach.

Sanbetu lived and worked in the Tongaat central business district, and he was at the beach with his friends when he got swept underwater.

According to his friends, lifeguards tried their best to locate and possibly rescue Sanbetu, but he could not be found.

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