Cupcakes for hope combats childhood cancer, one cupcake at a time
Register as a party host, bake some delicious treats, and help make a difference in the lives of young cancer patients.

Host a party and help to spread hope in conjunction with International Childhood Cancer Day this Thursday.
Charity organisation Cupcakes of Hope is calling on businesses, schools and families to have fun while giving back and hopes to raise R500 000 over the course of the next month.
These ‘Parties of Hope’ take the form of pop-up cupcake sales, the proceeds of which are donated to Cupcakes of Hope.
You can register as a party host until February 29, where you commit to baking 24 or 48 cupcakes and selling them to raise funds.
The parties have been a significant source of funds since first held in 2014, raising more than R1-million to date.
“We urged people to bake cupcakes, sell them in unique ways, and donate the proceeds. The response and willingness to join our mission have been overwhelming,” said Cupcakes of Hope founder, Sandy Cipriano.
The organisation makes monthly, sometimes weekly payments to assist with the medical bills for child cancer patients across the country.
Volunteers also deliver care packages to the children in hospital.
Over the past three years, the average number of patients helped per month has grown from 100 to 230.
“Given the relentless nature of cancer-related expenses, we recognise the challenges faced by parents of children with cancer,” said Cipriano.
“To create a better tomorrow, we must start today, and we’re eager to build momentum towards our 2024 goal.”
To register, visit where you can also find more information and a link to a direct donation page.
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