Local sport

North Coast dads to tackle Comrades Marathon for Bloom special needs centre

Community rallies behind dads' marathon effort.

Three North Coast dads are taking on “a Bloomin long run” in support of the school that has helped their children thrive.

Jon Roberts, Ross Rutherfoord and Christian Mkhize will run the Comrades Marathon next month to raise funds for Bloom Centre, a special needs school in Umhlali.

Jon and Ross have children at the school, while Christian and his wife have been involved with Bloom since its inception and have children in its mainstream wing.

“Bloom is simply a pivotal part of the community. It provides both a safe haven for and path to a bright future for children with special needs,” said Jon’s wife, Jess.

The three runners, their families and representatives from Bloom Centre on Saturday morning.

It was therefore a no-brainer when the trio decided to run the ultimate human race, that it should be Bloom who benefitted from their efforts.

“The special needs journey is slow and steady, often with some steep hills,” said the group when launching their fundraiser.

“It is about celebrating the small steps forward, facing the unknown, fighting for acceptance and inclusion and pushing forward even when it gets hard.”

The similarities with what they will experience while running 88km between Durban and Pietermaritzburg on June 9 are plain to see.

Jon Roberts, Christian Mkhize and Ross Rutherfoord accept the Dolphin Coast Striders donation from Mike Morgan (Striders chairman, second left) and Caron Hellens (Striders marketing, far right).

But with the help of their families, seconders and community, there is little that could get in the way of them crossing that finish line and making a difference.

And that community support was evident last weekend when the Dolphin Coast Striders hosted a fundraising morning run in conjunction with the trio on Saturday.

Taking on distances of 5, 10 or 25km, a huge turnout of runners came out to show that they were behind the “Bloomin long run” cause.

Bloom set up a table selling merchandise, with local businesses donating to the cause, including running club Dolphin Coast Striders who handed over a cheque for R5 000.

Veronica Mthethwa and Joy Drew get airborne as they cross the finish line!

“The school does excellent work for the community and we are very grateful to be able to contribute as the Dolphin Coast Striders,” said chairman Mike Morgan.

The morning coincided with the last long run before Comrades for Striders runners, who will now ease up on their training until the big day.

Jon, Ross and Christian needed to get the distance in themselves, with the latter two taking on their first Comrades.

Jon has four under the belt and will no doubt be called upon for his experience when the going gets tough during the race.

If you would like to track their progress or find details on how to donate, visit @a_bloomin_long_run on Instagram or on Facebook.

You can also find direct donation details for Bloom Centre at bloomcentre.co.za

Lou McLeod and Jamie Hardman were all smiles as they ran in support of Bloom Centre.


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