#Strongwomen: Are you burnt-out? Take this quiz!

Women often have an image armour. From the ‘outside’ they look perfect and cannot be faulted. They seem to have their ducks in a row.

However, what happens on the ‘inside’ does not necessarily correlate with what they are truly experiencing. A great percentage of women do not share their loneliness or daily struggles. This indicates a journey of not taking care of their emotional, physical, and mental well-being.

As women, we need to know what our own well-being looks like; how to take care of ourselves emotionally, physically and mentally; and identify where we are neglecting ourselves.

The following quiz, compiled by Dr Marlet Tromp – an experienced life, executive and business coach – will indicate what their level of well-being is from a physical, emotional and mental perspective.

Well-being quiz for women

Women often have an image armour. From the ‘outside’ they look perfect and cannot be faulted. They seem to have their ducks in a row. However, what happens on the ‘inside’ does not necessarily correlate with what they are truly experiencing. A great percentage of women do not share their loneliness or daily struggles. This indicates a journey of not taking care of their emotional, physical, and mental well-being. As women, we need to know what our own well-being looks like; how to take care of ourselves emotionally, physically and mentally; and identify where we are neglecting ourselves. The following quiz, compiled by Dr Marlet Tromp – an experienced life, executive and business coach – will indicate what their level of well-being is from a physical, emotional and mental perspective. Circle the number which represents how true the statement is for you right now.

Not trueMaybeYes!
I cry almost every day, and nobody knows.
In the mornings I wake up tired, no matter how well I slept.
I feel like a fraud as a mother, wife and/or at work and think others will find out.
Feeling guilty has become part of my everyday living and I cannot get rid of my guilt.
Having ‘me-time’ has become non-existent in my life and a memory of the past.
My friends and/or colleagues are much more confident than me. I wish I could be that confident.
My worries are so many. I feel consumed with worries to the point that I cannot think about anything else.
I cannot remember the last time I went to a hairdresser or pamper session. If I do find time, I work while there.
Neglecting time with my friends has become normal and I miss spending time with them. I feel isolated.
I find I am angry more often. I am ashamed of my behaviour when I am angry.
I get aches and pains but am not sick and I battle to define these aches and pains.
My wish is just to feel that I have a purpose and direction and know where I am going in life.

Dr. Marlet Tromp is a professionally trained and experienced life, executive and business coach. She facilitates a coaching process for her clients, guiding them to clarify their problems, identify their sources of power, make future directed decisions and take strategic actions to constitute significant and powerful change in their lives and businesses.

Marlet’s coaching is practical and action based. She works towards solutions that can be measured and that produce lasting results.

Her success rate with clients is exceptionally high, owing to the good foundations her coaching practice is built on.

Marlet’s academic training, professional therapeutic and coaching experience and proven business success underpin her credibility and efficiency as a coach.

Read more about Dr Marlet Tromp: www.marlettromp.co.za

The most important thing any woman can do is promote her inner well-being – Donna Karan

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