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Great things are spotted at Orban School

The school tells of all the great things that have taken place recently.

From spotting wild animals to great new leaders being welcomed, a whole lot has been taking place at Orban School lately.

First, let’s talk about the sighting of wild animals by a very inquisitive, and eager group of little ones. Found grazing in various spaces within the school’s pre-primary garden were elephants, cheetahs and all sorts of game.

To be able to see this interesting sight, the children put together their own binoculars and treated their school garden like you would any safari, with great wonder as they travelled through the garden in search of something fantastic.

The school also welcomed Jasper the monkey. Jasper is from the Cheetah Cubs Conservation Adventures and while there, he shared on the importance of vervet monkeys in nature. Along with dressing up for the day, Grade R to Grade 7 learners contributed R20 towards the Bambelela Wildlife Care NPC and Vervet Monkey Rehab.

On separate occasions, the school announced its Grade 7 head leaders, them, along with their cohort, received their leader badges. In another event its representatives in the Junior Mini Council (JMC) officially received their badges at an induction evening.

Orban sends a huge congratulations to Shasmeen Bulbulia, who was voted as the council’s manager chairperson executive. She’ll play a key role in organising events and ensuring everything runs smoothly for the JMC of 2024.

Related article: Time capsules that make Grade 7s smile at Orban School

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