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A braai day with Our Club

Our Club, a friendship club for single, mature people hosted a braai day that honoured a Iklohwa Childrens Home.

When you can enjoy a warm winter’s day out, why not have a braai with friends?

A recent Sunday afternoon resembled these perfect settings and members of Our Club were able to enjoy a Mandela Day Braai in Northcliff.

Judy Wilkins.
Judy Wilkins.

The day was more than just a braai as it also gave the club the opportunity to honour the caregivers of Ikholwa Children’s Home.

Much like any great South African braai, food, laughs and great memories were shared among guests.

Barbara Beckham.
Barbara Beckham.

Here are some club members as they relish the day’s offerings.

Sylvia McDonald.
Sylvia McDonald.
Anne De Meyer with Leonie Smith.
Anne De Meyer with Leonie Smith.
Our Club members enjoy a braai in Northcliff,
Our Club members enjoy a braai in Northcliff,
Lynne Bingham.
Lynne Bingham.
Our Club members braai some meat.
Our Club members braai some meat.
Wendy Robertson and Nicky White. Photos: Neo Phashe
Wendy Robertson and Nicky White. Photos: Neo Phashe
Wendy Robertson, Ulrika Mann and Nicky White.
Wendy Robertson, Ulrika Mann and Nicky White.
Carol Nelson.
Carol Nelson.

Related article:

Our Club gives back to those who aid others

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