
‘Litter is not our biggest problem’

Sonja Reid writes in response to Litter, litter everywhere, Week ending 1 November:

Sonja Reid writes in response to Litter, litter everywhere, Week ending 1 November:
I agreed with your article in the Northcliff Melville Times of 1 November.
I would, however, like to point out a new ‘horror’ that seems to be getting bigger and that is the dumping of building rubble in parks and open spaces. I am particularly worried about the dumping in the open space on the corner of Mendelsohn and Milner avenues – fences were broken down and building rubble dumped.
The fences have been repaired but how long before they are broken down again?
Another hotspot is the corner of John Adamson and Milner avenues and further along towards Greymont. There is an open space that has been open for decades and the rubble just grows.
Continue with your good work.

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