
5 top hangover cures

JOBURG –Learn five top tips to ease your hangover after the festive season parties.

With the festive season well upon us and the party invites jamming your inbox, the drinking will commence.

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Be wise and learn five hangover tips that can make the pain a little more bearable.

Always remember that in the end – prevention is better than cure.

Do not drink and drive and stay alive this festive season.

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• Water, water, water. The consumption of alcohol dehydrates your body. This is due to the diuretic qualities in the drinks, which explains the frequent trips to the bathroom throughout the party. Try drinking equal amounts of water to the amount of alcohol you ingest.

Also drink large quantities of water before heading to sleep that night; it will help replace some of the liquid you may have lost.

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• Coffee or caffeine is a myth. The caffeine in the coffee will further dehydrate you. Rather have a sports drink that will replace some of the electrolytes in your body.

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• Take a mild pain killer that will help reduce the headache and aches throughout your body. Stick to medicine with paracetamol; avoid ibuprofen or aspirin which kill pain but can cause nausea and indigestion.

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• Go for a run. This may seem like the worst possible thing to do when you are feeling grim but the endorphins that are released help to improve your mood. The sweat and raised heart rate will aid in the metabolism of the alcohol, shortening the hangover feeling.

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• Food. Contrary to popular belief, a greasy oily breakfast is not the best idea as the oil may upset your stomach further and increase indigestion or

heartburn. Rather stick to natural foods such as porridge, bread or crackers with some honey. The carbohydrates will help with the absorption of the alcohol and the honey will ease the shaky feeling.

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