Dundee Courier

10 000 Dannhauser residents to benefit from much-needed water project

"We projected that around 50 job opportunities for local residents will be created, thereby significantly contributing to the region's economic growth and empowerment."

Around 10,000 residents in the Dannhauser area are set to benefit from a much-needed R178-million water project launched last week by Amajuba District Municipality.

Mayor uMntwana Ndabuko Zulu turned the first soil at Durnacol, where the new reservoir will be built.
The highly-anticipated launch signalled the commencement of the Emergency Water Supply to the Ramaphosa Settlement, Skombareni, and a 2ML reservoir at Hilltop, Phases 1 and 2.
He said the project is set to bolster the water supply distribution in Dannhauser and benefit over 10,000 households combined.

During the launch ceremony, the mayor emphasised the beneficial ripples of the project, focusing on its potential to transform thousands of livelihoods.

Noting that the water project is just one of many efforts aimed at promoting progress and development, Mayor Zulu emphasised his commitment to tackling urgent community needs.

“The project launch has resulted in great anticipation and optimism running high among residents, as the milestone water project represents a significant step forward in the quest for sustainable development and improved quality of life for all residents,” he concluded.

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