Ladysmith GazetteLocal news

Sewer leaks make for smelly festive season

Residents fear that Christmas will come before the matter is resolved

Residents of Laurel Crescent in Ward 20 are frustrated with the constant sewer leaks in the area, which have been left unattended despite several attempts to report the situation.

They say this is a problem that affects numerous homes in the street, making living conditions unbearable because of the horrible stench and perceived health hazard.

Also read:  Sewer water pools in White Road

“I have just had a serious operation in hospital and this is so unhealthy for me, not to mention the children in the neighbourhood. We have opted to dig a pathway (trench) for the sewer water to flow into and not make huge puddles in my yard. But this is also not a viable solution, because the water trickles out onto the road, which in turn affects my neighbours,” said one resident.

The dug-up area to try and channel the water.

The residents are now pleading for prompt action by uThukela with regards to this issue, especially because Christmas is around the corner and it would be a disaster to entertain guests in these conditions.

The news provided to you in this link comes to you from the editorial staff of the Ladysmith Gazette, a sold newspaper distributed in the Ladysmith area.

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