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What voters should know before going to polling stations

Take note that you will not be able to vote if you go to a voting station where you are not registered. 

  • VERY IMPORTANT  – You can only vote at the polling station where you are registered. There are 23 292 polling stations countrywide, with one polling station in each voting district. You can check whether and where you are registered by sending a SMS, using the IEC App or visiting the official IEC website.
  • Take note that you will not be able to vote if you go to a voting station where you are not registered. (This is a significant change since the last national election as voters could in previous national elections vote at any polling station in the country for members of parliament, and at any polling station in the province in which they are registered for members of the provincial legislatures, but not any more).
  • Take your ID Book, ID Smart card or temporary ID to the polling station. A passport or driving licence will not be accepted. You may also take your own pen to the polling station.
  • Voting stations will be open from 07:00-21:00 on voting day, May 29 which is also a public holiday.
  • The elderly, and people who have difficulty standing in queues for long, but have not  registered for special votes, will be given priority at polling stations.
  • At the polling station IEC officials will check your ID and your name on the voters’ roll.
  • They will scan your ID. If scanners are not working you will still be able to vote.
  • Your thumb will be marked to ensure every voter vote only once.
  • Voters will for the first time ever in a national and provincial election receive 3 ballot papers. Two of the ballot papers are for the National Assembly and the other for the provincial legislatures.
  • You may not take photos of ballot papers.
  • Make sure your ballot papers are stamped.
  • Make your mark clearly only in the block next to the party/candidate you vote for.
  • If you made a mistake on your ballot paper, you may request another ballot paper, but make sure the ballot paper you made an error on is cancelled.
  • Expect to see IEC officials, safety officers and party representatives in the polling stations to ensure that the election process will be fair.

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