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A challenge for cyclists

Cyclists will ride for a purpose.

To create awareness about endometriosis, a condition in which cells from the lining of the uterus appear and flourish outside the uterine cavity, there will by a cycling challenge.

On November 17, 13 cyclists take on the Momentum 94.7 Cycle Challenge. Lyme Park resident Dina Bohnsack came up with the idea. Her daughter Nicole (23) was diagnosed with the condition in February.

“Being diagnosed with endometriosis at such a young age is devastating for a young woman, not only physically, but also emotionally,” Nicole said. “My medical costs have been astronomical. If you are diagnosed early enough, a lot of physical and emotional pain is spared. I have been told if I were diagnosed later the illness would have spread to my kidneys and other parts of my body.”

Endometriosis can affect other organs in the pelvic and abdominal cavity, and is difficult to diagnose as symptoms are often similar to those of various other pelvic conditions.

Nicole recently had surgery and will thus not ride in the 94.7 Cycle Challenge, but she will be there to cheer the other cyclists on.

“Mothers and daughters should be aware. Had I known more about this illness before, we would have been able to do more to help ease the pain caused by the illness,” she said.

Details: www.endpain.co.za

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