The Go West talent search is on
If you think you can be the next big thing on the West Rand, visit one of the scheduled venues and audition for the Go West Talent Search.

The West Rand District Municipality in partnership with the Go West Festival would like to give talented residents of the West Rand an opportunity to display their talent by entering the Go West Talent Search.
The first 100 performers will be given an opportunity to perform in front of the judges, where after the twenty best performances will be chosen to go through to the next round.
The lucky winner of this competition will get the opportunity to showcase his/ her talent in front of 7 000 people and start their career on a high note.
To enter the Go West Talent Search, one must be a West Rand resident and must show up for an audition at one of the selected venues.
Residents of Randfontein will get their chance to shine during an audition on 20 July at the IEC Hall at the corner of Sutherland and Pollock Streets in Randfontein. This audition will kick off at 11am and continue until 4pm.
Residents of Mogale City will be next in line as their auditions will take place on 21 July from 11am to 4pm at the Community Centre at the corner of Old Randfontein Road and Kagiso Avenue in Krugersdorp.
The next auditions will be for the residents of the Merafong Municipal area. Their auditions will take place on 26 July at the Wedela Community Hall, 657 1st Avenue in Merafong. Auditions will take place between 11am and 4pm.
The last round of auditions will be for the Westonaria community. Their auditions will tke place at the Paul Nel Hall in Bekkersdal on 27 July from 11am to 4pm.
If you think you have what it takes to be the next big thing on the West Rand, get down to one of these venues and show the judges what you are made of.