Bio – Kyriacos Elisseou

Student Bio


Distinctions Afrikaans


Life Sciences



Do you have any school achievements that we can highlight?


Please elaborate on your school achievements.


Full Colours: Academics

1st Team: Cricket, Field Hockey, Tennis

What are your plans for 2019?


Future Plans Study (please specify):


Study Medicine or Dentistry.
Future Plans Gap year (please specify):


Future Plans. Work (please specify):


While studying work part time in the Business, in order to develop entrepreneurial ability.
Future Plans. Other (please specify):


National University. Where will you be studying?


University of the Free State/ University of Pretoria
Degree Choice. National. What degree / course will you be studying?


Reason for Degree. National. Why did you choose this particular course?


The solution-orientated work that can branch out into entrepreneurial possibilities.
Foreign University. Where will you be applying to study?


Degree Choice. Foreign. What degree / course will you be applying to study?


Reason for Degree. Foreign. Why did you choose this particular course?


Result Location. Will you be in South Africa when your final results are released?






Interests. What are your interests and hobbies?


Cricket, football, hockey, tennis, chess and golf.

Studying successful people.



Inspiration. Who inspires you most? Why?


People with the ability to withstand anything thrown at them. To have the inner gusto to grind through is the most important factor in life.
Motto. Is there a motto / quote that you live by?


Stay gold/ Take dead aim.
Dreams and aspirations. Do you have any dreams for your future that you would like to share with us?


To revolutionize the world. I am not sure how yet, but the need to succeed drives me.
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