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EPWP applicants must answer the phone – metro

The metro plans to hire 4 770 people through the Extended Public Work Programme.

Tshwane deputy mayor Dr Nasiphi Moya has urged extended public works programme (EPWP) hopefuls to remain on the lookout for possible opportunities.

The Tshwane metro recently said it has struggled in the past to reach applicants on the phone.

“Participants will be placed within various projects to augment our service delivery commitments while providing financial relief for community members on a fixed-term contract basis,” said Moya.

The metro announced on Monday the programme will hire 4 770 people from all regions of Pretoria after a recent lottery selection.

It said the lottery system ensures transparency, fairness and prevents nepotism.

This initiative is in line with the national government’s efforts to provide employment opportunities and skills-training to the poor and unemployed.

“Successful applicants will sign contracts from March 5 to 11 at the Sammy Marks council chamber in Pretoria CBD,” Moya said.

For future applications, hopefuls are advised to use the EPWP USSD portal by dialling *120*5757#.

ALSO READ: Metro, Afriforum sign memo to keep residents safe

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