Residents urged to prioritise safety this Easter
Last year, the Road Traffic Management Corporation said in its State of Road Safety report that the Easter weekend holidays are characterised by mass movement of people leading to high demand for long-distance travelling across the country and SADC countries.

The Easter weekend is one that many look forward to, but the period can also be riddled with risks as many head away for the weekend.
Last year, the Road Traffic Management Corporation said in its State of Road Safety report that the Easter weekend holidays are characterised by mass movement of people leading to high demand for long-distance travelling across the country and SADC countries.
In 2023, the number of fatal crashes on South Africa’s roads increased by 33% and the number of fatalities by 37% to 252 compared to the year before.
Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal had the largest increase in road fatalities.
Road travelling isn’t the only risk, as Seeff Properties notes that break-ins increase during holiday periods.
“With neighbourhoods often quieter, homes become more vulnerable, and statistics show a significant increase in break-ins during holiday periods.
Auto & General Insurance data shows a 96% rise in Easter break-in claims in 2019 compared to a typical weekend.

Charnel Hattingh, Fidelity ADT spokesperson, told Rekord that home security should be a priority for Tshwane residents.
“We often see a spate of opportunistic crime over the Easter holiday period,” she said.
“These crimes are not always traditional house break-ins while residents are away, but also include driveway hijackings and robberies, and break-ins while residents are entertaining or sleeping in their homes.”
Hattingh advised residents to check their alarms are in working order, and to esure their security provider has access to their property while they are away.
“If you don’t have an access solution such as a lockbox, for example, speak to your security provider about your options.”
She said that residents should prepare their homes by cutting back any bushes or trees, especially ones that might provide access over walls or gates or a place for criminals to hide, and check walls and fences for damage.
“If hiring a house-sitter, teach them how to use your alarm correctly.
If you don’t have a house-sitter, ask a neighbour or a friend to turn on lights occasionally so that there is a sense that someone is around.”
She said that residents could also put their outside lights on a timer.
Finally, Hattingh said residents should always double-check that all windows and doors are locked and secured before leaving.
“Turn off your geyser and any unnecessary electrical appliances so you can save on electricity and be environmentally friendly.”

She offered the following tips to residents who remain home:
– Keep security gates locked at all times – with the keys removed
– Arm your alarm even if you are home
– Arm your alarm whenever you leave your home (even if for 30 minutes) and when you go to bed
– Activate garden beams and/or electric fencing and ensure these are linked to armed response. Garden beams and electric fencing are valuable early-warning systems which will alert you to unwanted guests on your property.
– Make sure your alarm is working properly in all zones of the home and protects even the areas you are not using.
– Lock all garden, leisure and other equipment away when not in use.
– Never allow strangers onto your property, no matter what they say their business is. Your domestic staff must know this rule.
– Always carry a remote panic when you’re home and equip your domestic staff with one.
– Report any suspicious activity to the police or your security provider immediately.
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