I am writing in response to the religious outburst currently happening in Valhalla.
A lady by the name of Rykie Morey wrote to the Centurion Rekord about how disappointed she is in the local community concerning the Christian petition against the mosque that is to be built that has been going on these past few months.
I understand your point, you are upset as your religious views and morals leave you no choice but to stand up for what you have been taught and what you believe in.
But unfortunately 2 600+ residents/Christians can’t all be wrong when standing up for what they believe in. The issues of this debate go further than just a father wanting to raise his children in a Christian environment. They are his children and you as a ‘Christian’ are supposed to respect the values and lessons taught to these children by their father.
Our community has been under tremendous stress with break-ins, murders and shootings and could use all the support we can give them, the last thing they need now is a political-religious debate and community members flaring out accusations left and right.
Maybe you should ask yourself what your god thinks of your opinion and how it affects so many around you emotionally that you blindly make accusations towards a father and his moral teachings to his children.
I am not someone who believes in religion, but it’s common sense that one also needs to look at this matter from a non-Christian point of view so we can focus on the fact that there are people like me who can stand for both sides.
I am a part of this community and take any political issues into consideration, especially when it comes to those whose voices never get heard. There are issues with noise an the disturbance of a very peaceful area, this matter goes further than only religious views.
As Richard wrote in his letter to the Centurion Rekord, some of the Muslims aren’t even South-African citizens. I suggest coming forward with a stronger point of concern when you see it necessary to accuse your fellow community and Christians, especially as there are more than one or two able to come forward and challenge your opinion about them as a community.
Hypocrisy is not representative of all Christians.