
Let the law of life carry you through hard times

THE LAW OF LIFE Rom. 8:2 AMP – “For the law of the Spirit of life (which is) in Christ Jesus (the law of the new beginning) has freed me from the law of sin and of death.


Rom. 8:2 AMP – “For the law of the Spirit of life (which is) in Christ Jesus (the law of the new beginning) has freed me from the law of sin and of death.”

Everything has to begin somewhere. Sometimes it is difficult to trace the exact origin and moment, like for example with the Covid-19 virus.

Suddenly you get caught up in the slipstream of that situation and you find that you’re either chasing something or that something is chasing you. Now talking about a slipstream, a thought pattern often creates a momentum that forms a magnetic field with its own pull or its own gravity.

Within a specific environment, the law of gravity works spontaneously. The nearer to the source, the more dynamic the effect of the law of gravity becomes.

Now this is what’s happening with this Covid pandemic. We have to wear masks, sanitise and keep social distance or we can be drawn into the powerful environment of the virus.

The gravitational pull of the virus cannot be ignored or reasoned away. Although it is invisible we can see the devastation it produces by the alarming statistics.

At the moment the medical field is working on an antidote and they are still trying to develop an even better antidote.

We all know that light dispels darkness effortlessly, but you have to switch on the light. In Job 3:25 (AMP) Job says: “For the thing which I greatly fear comes upon me, and that of which I am afraid befalls me.”

In Christ Jesus there is a law of upliftment that supersedes the law of gravity. Faith and fear are two opposite forces and if you remain in the Word of God, even reading it aloud (because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God) your faith will be built up and the law of life will lift you up.

It might be that you are even going through the valley of the shadow of death, but this law of life in Christ Jesus will carry you through.
Jesus love,


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