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Jacques Smalle welcomes investigations

DA Limpopo Chairperson, Jacques Smalle denied having been guilty of any tax irregularities which took place during his tenure as provincial leader.

It is a smear campaign against him, and he is welcoming of the investigations into his alleged transgressions, which will ultimately clear him of any wrongdoing.

This is the message by DA Limpopo Chairperson Jacques Smalle, who denied having been guilty of any tax irregularities which took place during his tenure as provincial leader.

In recent days, the party’s elective congress which was scheduled for this weekend was cancelled, following a report by the DA Federal Legal Commission on alleged financial management and possible tax fraud. The decision was taken by the DA Federal Executive, acting on the advice of the Presiding Officers of the Limpopo Congress.

The leadership for the DA would have been contested between Smalle and DA MP, Solly Malatsi.

“I am looking forward to see who will win the ultimate test and interpretation of the report. It was a clear attempt to discredit my name, but all processes should be finalised first. I am looking forward to have the interpretations of the report tested.”

Smalle said the party’s presiding officers did the right thing to stop the elective conference, as the allegations could have implications on the outcome of the elections and for the holding of a free and fair conference, as Sisiwe Gwarube, MP and National DA Spokesperson stated.

“It was in the interest of the integrity of our systems (that) the DA Federal Executive resolved to cancel the congress until the information that has emerged and allegations levelled are adequately investigated by the Federal Legal Commission.”

According to reports, the commission report followed an investigation into allegations of tax fraud, which was finalised two years ago and on which the party seemingly failed to take the recommended disciplinary action against Smalle. It was also recommended that the party’s provincial office finances be placed under administration.

Smalle is said to have violated party policies and rules on financial management by having his travel allowances from April 2018 to April 2019 paid into a bank account opened in the name of one of his office aides.

He has denied the allegations, and said he has consulted with his legal team on the matter.

“The untested leaked report in the media, which is yet to be tested, will be subjected to an internal process, which will clear my name.”

Gwarube commented that the DA is currently dealing with the investigation and will take appropriate action as soon as the findings are available.The Federal Executive has in the meantime appointed an administrator to manage the affairs of the province as the term of the current leadership is set to expire on Saturday (20 March).

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