
Fast-track your career with Oxbridge Academy

If you are a student who wants to fast-track your career without matric, an occupational certificate through Oxbridge Academy could be the answer to making your dream career a reality.

The matric exams are the most important and challenging assessments for South African learners.

They are the culmination of 12 years of schooling and the gateway to higher education and career opportunities. However, not everyone who writes these exams will pass or achieve the results they hoped for. While this is a setback, those who are concerned about their poor results may rest assured it is not the end of the world, especially not with Oxbridge Academy.

If you are one of those learners who did not pass matric or did not get the exemption you needed, you may feel disappointed, discouraged and hopeless about your future. You may think that you have no options left and that your dreams are shattered. But this is not true, because an occupational certificate presents the best opportunity for students at Oxbridge Academy to realise their dreams even without matric.

An occupational certificate is a nationally recognised qualification that is based on industry standards and is designed to equip learners with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in a particular occupation.

In South Africa, occupational certificates are developed and managed by the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations, which is a public entity responsible for quality assurance and the oversight of the design, accreditation, implementation, assessment and certification of occupational qualifications, part qualifications and skills programmes.

Some examples of occupational certificates that do not require matric are:

  • Early childhood development: Professionals who foster the holistic growth of young children through age-appropriate educational programmes and activities.
  • Health promotion officer: Experts focus on improving public health by designing and implementing strategies to encourage healthy behaviours and prevent illness.
  • Home-based personal care assistant: Individuals who provide essential support to those needing assistance with daily activities, aiming to maintain independence and improve quality of life.
  • Home-based personal care worker: Similar to personal care assistants, they offer hands-on support to individuals in their homes, aiding them with personal hygiene, mobility, medication and household tasks.

You can also improve your chances of finding employment or starting your own business in a specific occupation or trade. Additionally, you can progress to higher levels of learning within the same or related occupational fields, as some occupational certificates are articulated with other qualifications on the National Qualifications Framework.

So, if you are a student who wants to fast-track your career without matric, an occupational certificate through Oxbridge Academy could be the answer to making your dream career a reality.

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