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Does your location influence how you celebrate Easter?

The Polokwane Observer spoke to three people: One from a village, one from a township and another from a suburb to see if where you live influences how Easter is celebrated.

POLOKWANE – Easter, which is on March 29 is a day to commemorate the anniversary of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
People across the country will be celebrating in different ways.
The Polokwane Observer spoke to three people: One from a village, one from a township and another from a suburb to see if where you live influences how Easter is celebrated.
Marcella Siwela, who grew up in the rural village of Ndengeza explained that holidays like Easter, Christmas and New Year were a cause for big celebrations.
“You could feel the vibe in the air, the excitement was tangible,” she said.
This could be attributed to the fact that city folk come home during this time. Its one of the two times in the year that you can almost guarantee that all people working in cities and students will be him hence the excitement.
Mpho Phago from Seshego expressed that her Good Friday weekend has always been centered around religion.
“Good Friday is a time for reflection, which I prefer to do in church with people of the same faith as myself,” she said.
The church service is followed by a hearty meal with family. She added that this time of the year is important to her family, although they don’t commemorate Easter Monday or the Easter bunny.
Khanyo Mbango from Bendor shared that Easter is a time for reflection.
He carries the values that he grew up with and although he doesn’t religiously attend church services, he attends Easter services.
“We try to make Easter special in terms of having family over and preparing a special menu,” he said.
It is also fun for the children to have games like egg hunts because it gives them something to look forward to and keeps them busy for some time.
“It’s a win- win for all.” he joked.
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