
COLUMN: Illegality, immigration and lawlessness

South Africa is fast degenerating into the banality of inglorious lawlessness and primitive savagery.

POLOKWANE – Horrendous criminality and illegal immigration are pushing our democratic state towards a catastrophic precipice.

Unless extraordinary measures are taken to stem the tide of illegal immigration, our nation will soon reap the whirlwinds. Evidently, most illegal foreigners have invaded our country with nefarious motives – to sabotage, destabilize and violate our politico-economic stability.

Two weeks ago, a monstrous gang of illegal foreigners had gang-raped eight young women in Krugersdorp, Gauteng province. That was a barbaric aberration of despicable debauchery!

South Africa is fast degenerating into the banality of inglorious lawlessness and primitive savagery.

The country’s legislative and regulatory systems are drowning into a cesspool of viral impunity. The spectre of illegal immigration and criminality is posing a virulent threat to the edifice of our democracy.

Druglords, drug dealers, cross-border syndicates are benefitting treacherously from our unguarded borders.

Illegal immigrants from Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Lesotho and Mozambique have turned South Africa into a lawless banana republic. Assured of impunity, these illegal foreigners are hell-bent on asserting their own ‘rule of impunity’.

The zama-zamas, mostly originating from Lesotho, Zimbabwe and Malawi, have illegally invaded the country’s fading mines. Dangerously armed with AK-47s and automated rifles, the zama-zamas are known for spewing violence and mayhem in nearby communities.

These undocumented foreigners are wreaking social psychosis and economic devastation in the country. Illegal manufacturing of drugs, thieving of Eskom cables, pillaging of railway infrastructure are mostly perpetuated by illegal foreigners.

While addressing infuriated residents of Kagiso in Johannesburg on Sunday, Gauteng Premier David Makhura pulled no punches: “Illegal miners, the zama zamas are contributors of huge violent crime in our country right now. They are stripping electricity and railway infrastructure. They are paralyzing our underground infrastructure. The security of the state is now at great risk. Our country is ungovernable and the criminals have taken over.”

When Government fails, ordinary citizens must rise into action and reclaim the country’s stability and rule of law. We need people’s power to defeat this gritty illegality and foreign-infested criminality. As citizens, we must not idle in complacency when our country is invaded by imported criminality.


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