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Cattle herders complain about low wages

Forum aims at ensuring that the rights of cattle herders in Lebohang are considered.

LEBOHANG – Mr Jacob Mtakwende stands up for cattle herders.

He has established a forum that aims at making sure that the rights of cattle herders are considered.

This forum was established after Mr Mtakwende noticed an increase in the death of cattle herders in his neighbourhood.

“I was saddened by the loss of three shepherds and I then tried to build relationships with other shepherds.

“It was shocking to hear and see how they are treated by their employers.

“They earn R90 a month for looking after about 50 cattle and are often not paid in time.

“It is unfair, these people work every day in different weather,” Mr Mtakwende.

The Ridge Times visited one of the shepherds who wanted to stay anonymous on 11 November.

The 25-year-old man who is the father of two girls and is renting a shack in Lebohang, said: “I was dismissed from work on 9 November without being told the reason.

“My colleagues told me a new herdsman from Lesotho who is working in my place.

“I do not know what to do and do not know how I will pay my rent this month.

“We are not treated as human beings.

“We were working without rain coats in the rain and there is no shelter.

“We work from 7am to 5 pm every day and are not even granted leave to spend time with our families on holidays like Christmas.”

Mr Mtakwende has spoken to the Mpumalanga Department of Agriculture about the matter and is still waiting for a response.

He has also sent a proposal to the local clinic to organise a mobile clinic which will often visit the cattle herders.

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