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Bethal court denies bail

Magistrate says State’s case is not weak.

The man accused of orchestration the rape of his wife, was denied bail in the Bethal Magistrate’ Court on Wednesday, 12 March.

Near the end of the court proceedings, the accused fainted.

One of his children cried out that he was having a heart attack.

The court was adjourned for a few minutes.

When the court resumed, the magistrate asked him if he could continue, to which he said he could.

The magistrate, Ms Marlene de Villiers, took into consideration the witnesses who testified and the reports received from the investigating officer, Capt Elizabeth Koekemoer.

The magistrate said the release of the accused will jeopardise the public’s belief in the justice system.

She also said the accused was lying during his evidence, for instance about his employment.

Magistrate De Villiers said the complainant was subjected to unconventional sexual activities during the marriage.

“Though medical reports show no signs of sexual abuse, rape cannot be ruled out.

“There was evidence of abuse.”

According to the magistrate, the accused could not prove in all probability that his wife’s mental state was such that she would make the alleged rape up.

“The State’s case is not weak,” she said.

The case was postponed until 23 April for further investigation.

The woman’s friends and supporters who attended court, said they were pleased that bail was denied.

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