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Contact VKLM here
Please report all customer service delivery issues to the VKLM Customer Service reporting office and make sure to ask for a reference number.
For any service delivery issues the Victor Khanye Local Municipality (VKLM) in Delmas can be contacted on the following numbers:
During office hours:
- 013 665 6000
- 087 288 0764
- Whatsapp: 063 691 2465
After hours:
- 013 665 2939
- 087 288 0762
- 087 288 0823
The number to contact during load-shedding is 013 665 2939.
Please report all customer service delivery issues to the VKLM Customer Service reporting office and make sure to ask for a reference number.
If the issue has not been resolved within a day, Diane Bath, DA councillor at VKLM can be contacted via Whatsapp on 083 401 6285 with the reference number.
According to Diane, she will gladly follow up any unattended complaints. In that way, all issues can be recorded and monitored.
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