When we are at a crossroad
We are often tempted to take the easy road, which is not always the right decision.

One of the hardest things in life is to make the right choices and decisions.
We have to make choices every day.
Some are big, some are life changing and others are small.
One of the biggest gifts we have received, is a free will or choice.
There is, however, not always a guarantee that the choice we make when we are at a crossroad, will be the right one.
Whenever we are at a crossroad, though, there are many alternatives to the choices we can make.
That is because we are often tempted to take the easy road, which is seldom the right one.
So beware not to make an impulsive choice!
We must, though, always embrace the choice we have made, and take responsibility thereof.
The choices we make are influenced by our attitude.
If we choose to look for the good, we will find it.
The same goes for the bad. We should all strive to always look for the good and to choose to live with hope, rather than despair.
We can choose to see challenges as opportunities instead of problems.
What is important, though, when we stand at the crossroad, is that we take action and not allow the “tides” and “currents” in life to make our choices for us.
We might easily be washed out to sea!