Caxton Golf Challenge

Caxton held its first ever golf challenge in Houghton and the Rosebank Killarney Team were there to capture all the fun!

In association with Zinia.


Plenty fun was had at Hole 17 – thanks to City Buzz!

Golfers took to the greens on Friday, 11 May, in honour of Flying for Life, at the Caxton Golf Challenge at the Houghton Golf Club, which aims at raising funds for the charity. The registered charity commits itself to uplifting poor and remote communities in a sustainable way.

They identify needs in areas unreachable by motor vehicle and use aviation to deliver help, hope and healing.

If you or your company participated in the golf day, don’t forget to share this page and tag us @RK_Gazette.

Fun in the sun as Golfers go through the #CaxtonGolfChallenge

A mini golf game is buzzing at Hole 17 during the exciting Caxton Golf Challenge

The City Buzz team challenged golfers at Hole 17 to a mini golf game during the Caxton Golf Challenge in aid of Flying For Life. Here is just some of the fun had:

Watch: Norman Dawe, plays a mini golf game at the Caxton Golf Challenge.

Watch: Some of the other golfers also got involved in the game.

Caxton Local Media MD, Jaco Koekemoer has some fun too

Excitement continues on the greens at the #CaxtonGolfChallenge

The Rosebank Killarney Gazette was there to capture the action and this is who and what they spotted …

This is what some of the days attendees had to say:






Winners were announced on 11 May at a stunning evening prize giving for the Caxton Golf Challenge at the Houghton Golf Club. Delicious finger foods were served to the hungry golfers, followed by scrumptious meals which were washed down with morish gin, vodka, and rum cocktails.

The day was conceptualised in honour of Flying for Life which aims at raising funds for the charity. The registered charity commits itself to uplifting poor and remote communities in a sustainable way. They identify needs in areas unreachable by motor vehicle and use aviation to deliver help, hope, and healing. Visit for more information on this phenomenal charity.

Prizes were given to golfers from 23rd up to 1st place.  The top three winners were:

1st place: Andrew Bunting and Andre Bam (61 points)

2nd place: James Johnston and Peter Downer (58 points)

3rd place: Harry Chrisofi and Colin Stugeon (54 points)

At the end of the prize giving a total of R300 000 had been raised for Flying for Life charity .


Winners of the first-ever Caxton Golf Challenge announced: Andrew Bunting and Andre Bam (61 points)

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