
SANBS stocks up ahead of school closure and Easter holidays

Parktown High School for Girls donated 40 units of blood.

Parktown High School for Girls learners took the plunge and donated 40 units of blood on March 8.

The South African National Blood Service (Sanbs) visited the school during the extension of its operating hours amid an enhanced collection initiative ahead of school closures and the Easter festivities.

The extension is designed to encourage donors nationwide, to make use of this opportunity to step forward and donate.

Christian Kinnear. Photo: Asanda Matlhare

First-time blood donator Zoë Haskins said she was nervous but elated to have saved lives.

“I have always wanted to donate blood since I found out that my school participated in blood drives but was underage and as soon as I was of age, I did not hesitate. What is interesting is that my donation alone can save three lives and I can donate more than once in my lifetime.”

Amelia Scheidegger. Photo: Asanda Matlhare

Zoë added she would tell other people who wanted to donate to not overthink the process and donate blood.

The blood service’s executive for transfusion donor services and marketing, Siemi Prithvi Raj said, “This extension comes at a crucial time for Sanbs as we look to expand our donor base and increase blood collections ahead of school closures and the Easter period.”
Since students and learners comprised a sizeable ratio of the national donor base, school holidays have been synonymous with strained stock levels.

First-time blood donor Zoë Haskins. Photo: Asanda Matlhare

“Sanbs will therefore extend operating hours nationwide from March 4–15, to increase blood stocks. With the help of our donors, we will be able to collect sufficient group O blood, which represents the universal donor group (O blood ) which can be given to group A, B, AB, or O patients.”

Parktown High School for Girls blood donation ambassador Kopano Mahole concluded that her role was to make learners calm and comfortable because donating blood was a daunting exercise, especially for first-time donors.

Related articles: SANBS urgently needs blood donors to step forward

Parktown Girls High School for Girls makes a difference through blood donations

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