U11 Diadora Jozi Cup players are ready for season three
Lions Cricket CEO Jono-Leaf Wright looks forward to season three's performances.

Excitement and smiles dominated the DP Wanderers’ long room during the Diadora Jozi Cup’s U11 capping ceremony on May 4.
The U11 cricketers from various cricket clubs in Johannesburg were given caps ahead of the new season.

DP World Lions Cricket CEO Jono-Leaf Wright said he was impressed with season one and two’s performances and looked forward to the third season.
“This is a team game,” he said. “Often, I break the word team into ‘together everyone achieves more’ because you cannot win matches by yourself. I want to see the U11 players celebrate each other’s successes and encourage one another when things don’t go well because for us it’s about the spirit of the game and the sportsmanship.”

The season three kit will sport the Joburg Super Kings logo and together with DP World Lions, the two franchises have organised a programme to identify talent in this age group.
“Super Kings have asked us to identify the 20 best players from U11 who will have an opportunity to be trained and coached with some Super Kings players at the start of season three, which is usually January and February.”
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