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Calendar girls give back

BRYANSTON - The Calender Girls Club at Bryanston Sports Club gave solace to victims of sexual assault at the Jes Foord Foundation. The club donated 93 handbags filled with comforting goodies.

On 10 September, members of the club handed over the handbags filled with jewellery, toiletries and clothing to be given to victims of rape.

Chairperson of the club, Anna Coull said, “These bags often provide the only things the women are left with once they been processed at the police station, as their own possessions are removed for forensic evidence.

“In providing the filled handbags, we help ensure the women receive items to assist them start the process of moving forward from their experiences.”

The handbag project was started and co-ordinated by Calender Girls Club member Gill Young who said, “The bag is supposed to act as a ‘comfort’ for the rape victims and will be going to all the areas with high incidents of rape around Johannesburg.”

Club member, Barbara Pienaar, also made special bags for children who have been sexually assaulted, giving them toys and accessories to help them through their traumatic experience.

The donation was handed to the Jes Foord Foundation, a rape awareness organisation founded by rape survivor Jes Foord, which helps victims of sexual assault after the debilitating effects of the experience.

The organisation provides emotional support to them and their families through counselling and community initiatives to raise awareness about the effects of rape.

Representative of the foundation, Denise Colle said, “I think to receive something so small from a complete stranger helps them realise that someone is thinking of them.”

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