Water leak leads to potholes on Fife Street
BUCCLEuH - Water has been leaking along Fife Street in Buccleuch for months and the street is now damaged.

This according to concerned resident Andrew McMurray who said, “This leak has got so bad that the flow of water has caused massive damage to the road.”
He said it appeared as though the leak was coming from a complex along Fife Street. “Possibly from an illegal connection, although I do not believe that this has been proven,” he added.
“I dread to think how much water has been lost due to this leak. What is irritating is that nobody, especially Joburg Water, seems to want to take responsibility for fixing the root cause of the problem.” He said he is most concerned that nobody appears to care about the immense water loss, and the damage that is being caused to the road.
Moin Khan, another concerned Buccleuch resident, added that the water leak has led to the development of potholes on the road. “The Johannesburg Roads Agency repairs the potholes and within a few days the potholes are back,” explained Khan. “This has been an ongoing issue for a number of years from my understanding. A petition is also currently being signed by residents to have this matter resolved.”
Ward 32 councillor Bongani Nkomo said the issue has been a long-standing issue which the roads agency and Joburg Water have been fully aware of. Millicent Kabwe from Joburg Water said, “The query was closed on 18 April as the team found it was ground water. The matter was referred to the agency to resolve as they handle ground water-related matters.”
No comment was received from the agency by the time of publication.
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