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Sandton Police continue to do stop and search operations as a crime prevention tool in Sandton.

Stop and search is the most basic tool to preventing crime for the police on the ground.

According to Sandton police spokesperson, Captain Bheki Xulu, on May 16, police were doing their normal visibility patrol when they spotted a suspicious male at the corner of Witkoppen and Main Road in Bryanston. The police approached the man and asked to search him. They found 10 small plastic bags containing dagga.

On the same day, another incident occurred at the corner of Rivonia and Alon roads, where police stopped and searched two men who were selling fruit and found 17 plastic bags containing dagga. Both men aged 38 and 28 years old were arrested and charged with possession of dagga.

260g containing dagga.
260g containing dagga.

Sandton police arrested a 29-year-old man on May 13 during a stop and search on the corner of West Street and Rivonia Road, Sundown. The man was found in possession of 260 grams of dagga.

In a separate incident on the same day, a 30-year-old man was arrested for dealing in dagga at Leeuwkop Correctional Services. The suspect came to visit an inmate and when he was routinely searched, officers found dagga underneath containers with camphor cream, Vaseline, and body lotion.

Police found dagga
Police found dagga in the visitor’s bag at Leeuwkop Correctional Services.

“Normally, after they’re arrested and detained, suspects appear in Randburg court and the court decides if they get bail or not,” said Captain Xulu.

Sandton Station Commander, Egen Moodley urges the community to continue to report criminal or suspicious activities in the area.

Sandton police show 17 Plastic bags containing dagga.
Sandton police show 17 Plastic bags containing dagga.

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