
OPINION: Pet food prices could be reined in a little

Dogfood producers, take a step back and view the bigger picture.

The letters to the editor portion of any newspaper has, in my experience, usually been utilised by the newspaper-reading members of the public to voice their unhappiness or disgruntlement at, or with, a particular situation.

I admit I am guilty of the same, as the newspaper is viewed as a platform to bring to the attention of others what may be seen as a shortcoming, a rent in the fabric of our society.

So, I am airing my drawers and rending the air with my unhappiness at the rapidly upward spiralling cost of pet food.

Free trade advocates and entrepreneurs please wave your flags high and say that this is permitted under general commercial agreement, and that supply and demand walk hand-in-hand down the high street.
Fair deal there all right, and I know that transportation costs increase when diesel costs more per litre.

Salaries need adjustment so that your hardworking staff can put food on their tables and, of course, there are Christmas and performance bonuses. So, food prices across the board increase but surely pet food prices could perhaps be reined in a little?

We humans must eat and so must our pets, but bear in mind many of our more senior citizens have a dog or cat who are their companions, as the children and grandchildren do not necessarily visit as often as they could. (I am guilty of this fact.)

Also, in some cases that dog is their only inhouse protection service and unfortunately, it may get to the stage that a decision must be made between feeding us or my pet – and this may mean rehoming. Dogfood producers, take a step back and view the bigger picture.

Think about Frank and Miems whose daily lives and nightly security revolves around their four-legged family member. I am sure they and so many other members of the public who are your loyal customers, would appreciate your consideration.



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