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From the bowling greens

South Coast Herald, bowls


DAVE Banks and Frank Foley won the Tops Port Edward men’s pairs played last Sunday (now on a ladder system for the year).

Placed second were Dave Hume and Leigh Warner, while third place went to Glen Allen and Peter Ziervögel. The 50/50 board went to Rodney Lowe.

The next sponsored competitions are the SuperSpar Port Edward two-bowl mixed trips on Wednesday, January 13, and the Indulgence Beauty Salon open pairs on Friday, January 15.

Women bowlers are reminded that the forms for the various club 2016 championships are on the notice board, awaiting your entries.


DANIE Human, Bubbles Bezuidenhout and Bruce Hoyer were the winners of the drawn trips played the Wednesday prior to New Year’s Day.

Gloria Gerrard, Miriam Seager and Judy Hoyer were second.

Session prize was won by Eddie Milne, Hana Svoboda and Frances Raymond.

Thank you to Cutting Edge and Blue Waters for the generous sponsorship.

Due to the heat, Tuesday morning social bowls is at 8.15am until it cools down.

The next competition is this Friday (8th), sponsored by Tiago’s.


MEMBERS are mourning the sudden death of active member and dear friend, Dolores Marshall who will be greatly missed.

Greens will not be available for tabs-in bowls this weekend due to the ‘Invitational Pairs’ taking place at the club.

The next sponsored competition will be the Margate Panel Beaters’ men’s 2-4-2 to be played this Friday (8th).

Duties: office – Franci Philpott and Yvonne James; tea – Len Sprong.


THERE was no serious bowling but tabs in was filled with a wonderful seasonal atmosphere.

A prosperous 2016 to you all, may it be filled with new challenges and good bowling.

Happy birthday to Frank Foley (8th).

Duty roster: 11- 16th Jan:- Bar: Rob Lyle, Tabs: Marianne van Buuren, Tea: Myra Doubell, Eats: Yvonne Fillis & Frank Foley.


THE new year really started off with a blast at the club, revellers danced and sang and played some torchlight bowls and had a wonderful evening.

Now to get down to some serious matters. The Mariners open fours takes place today (7th).

The Coffee on the Square women’s trips will take place next Wednesday, January 7. Please let Heather know if you are available.


THE Christmas cake raffle was won by Perry Williams and the Christmas hamper by Annette du Plooy.

Members are advised that the Two Bowls Trips Twilight League continues this Friday (8th) at 3pm. This will be followed by a build-a-burger.

The next competition will be the South Coast Herald mixed 2-4-2 on Thursday, January 14.


HAPPY New Year to all and welcome back to all who have been away visiting family and friends.

Sadly, there will be no sponsored competitions until further notice, when the clubhouse is completed.

Tabs in are on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays at 1.15pm for 1.30pm.

And don’t forget the ‘Boma Branch’ after bowls and for ‘get-togethers’ on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 4pm till 6pm.



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