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Champion boxer on the bad side of bullying

Champion boxer teaches kids about psychological damage bullying could do to the bullied child.

THE SOUTH’s very own welterweight champion boxer, Paul Kamuena Kamanga, taught children about the dangers of bullying.

Paul visited Arise and Shine Kids Centre on Friday, August 12, and taught the youngsters about keeping safe and how children can protect each other and avoid being bullied. During his visit he also made it clear that bullies are bad people.

The message Paul brings to schools is that bullying is unacceptable, that it can affect the victim psychologically from an early age and that it can make that child’s life miserable.

“I enjoy speaking to children about bullying and how helping others makes them stronger. I teach them that superheroes are strong because they help other children, they do not take advantage of the little or weak.

“Bullying is a very serious problem in society. It leaves emotional scars and sometimes these bullied children commit suicide. So you can imagine how horrible a child would feel if another child committed suicide because they were bullied. That is why they need to be taught from an early age about this,” said the champ.

Paul also visits high schools to enlighten the learners about the impacts of bullying.

This impressive young man started his boxing career while he was still a learner at The Hill High School.

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