
Education is the key to success

To all the students that have commenced exams, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you everything of the best.

Stay focused and believe that this time of the year is another stepping stone towards a brighter future for you.

Education is a mentor in my life. I was given the opportunity to complete Grade 12, irrespective of my circumstance at the time, and I excelled. Today I can proudly say nothing could take away that moment. I set my problems aside and made it through to the end.

What does education mean to you? It prepares you for the future; it motivates you to strive for nothing but the best. Good leaders, role models, mentors, have been educated to strive for the best in every career they have chosen.

Teachers are dedicating their time effectively to mentoring the youth of today. Take time out to acknowledge their effort. Dedicate your time and work as a team to strive towards your goals and dreams.

These are the main elements that you need to stay focused on:

Time management – manage your time wisely and effectively.

Dedication – strive to do your best in every subject.

Faith – remember that all your hard work will pay off in the end.

Discipline – focus on your goals and dreams

Revision – it’s always best to revise work more than once, especially if you are unsure of the answers.

Prayer – remember that the Lord will guide you every day, thank him for your blessings. Pray that he will give you an open mind to remember all that you have studied and to choose your answers wisely before answering any questions (exams).

Mahatma Gandhi once said: Be the change you want to see in the world.

It’s time to stand together and strive towards every dream, nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it.

Until next time guys, stay motivated, educated and dedicated.
God bless. If my story has touched you, feel free to e-mail me

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Lucky Thusi

Lucky Thusi is the News Editor of Comaro Chronicle. He started as a reporter for Southern Courier in 2008. Since then he has grown in leaps and bound in journalism for the past 16 years.

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