
Horse racing, fashion and entertainment

SANSUI Summer Cup, Gauteng’s Premier racing event on the horse racing calendar will take place on Saturday November 30 at Turffontein Racecourse.

TURFFONTEIN – This prestigious event was recently launched to announce the theme of this year’s fashion trend. “Colour to Conquer” was introduced by the well-known designer JJ Schoeman.

“This year we want the spectators to dress in any of their favourite colours to make the event a colourful affair,” said JJ Schoeman. “We want to be more stylish and the ladies must wear the desired hats with their colourful long dresses.”

For the first time ever at the “Face of SANSUI Summer Cup”, the elegant radio and television presenter and producer Azania Mosaka was introduced.

Cream of the top horse racing will be at the order of the day with twelve feature races having the main event taking place over 2 200m for the stake of R2 million.

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