Royal family launches 16 Days of activism campaign in Eden Park

“Royalty against Women and Children abuse.”

On November 28, Chief Apostle Khumalo of AmaNtungwa Royal Kingdom and CEO of the South African Royal House Organisation (SARHO) launched The 16 Days of Activism for No Violence against Women and Children campaign at Eden Park Community Hall.

Media liaison Thandi Khumalo said they aim to educate the community about gender-based violence.

“AmaNtungwa raised awareness about GBV. We want to inform the community to work together to prevent violence against women and children. “We also want to remind and teach people to make their voices heard,” explained Khumalo.

Khumalo added they also wanted to educate people about the Royal Kingdom that also exists in the urban areas.

“People in urban areas have a mindset that royalty is only in the rural areas, which is not true. We thank the government for uniting with the royal family,” said Khumalo.

Gauteng Finance MEC Nomantu Nkomo-Ralehoko graced the stage to support the initiative.
Chief Apostle Khumalo addressing the community of Eden Park.
Queen Nokuhle Khumalo welcoming the community and thanking them for supporting the initiative.
Eden Park community came to support the initiative.

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