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ABET classes open to everyone

Those who wish to attend ABET classes; now have an opportunity to get educated by visiting the Bramfischer Library every Tuesday and Thursday.

Those who wish to attend ABET classes; now have an opportunity to get educated by visiting the Bramfischer Library every Tuesday and Thursday.

Facilitator Siza Gumbi says the ABET lesson is offered in both English and numeracy.

The syllabus has four levels.

Level 1-3 is facilitated by the Independent Examination Board (IEB), and Level 4 deals with the organising of portfolio of evidence under Umalusi.

Class participants write exams twice in a year.

“The final examination is paid for by the city of Joburg.

This year students will begin writing their final exams this month.

“This will be the first time that exams get written in Bramfischerville.

Gumbi said the class currently has 15 students but the number is expected to increase as time progresses.

People who wish to attend the classes can visit the library every Tuesday or Wednesday or contact Siza Gumbi on 011 027 1064.

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