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Protea South: Locals plan to unite community through sports

We invite interested people to participate in these sporting codes that include but not limited to, cycling.

Some residents hosted a  two-day Top 8 tournament in Protea South at the beginning of the month.

Jabulani Motaung (the organiser) said, “We are trying to encourage young boys to not get distracted with substance abuse and the like, but to focus on their futures.”

The sports representative of the residents Itani Ratshitanda said that what sets them apart from other non-profit organisations was that they were starting a movement called ‘I am the Future’, which is aimed at building the community as a whole in different ways.

“The community in Protea South is poverty stricken and 70% of the community is a squatter camp, most people are unemployed as well.

“We are trying to engage with the youth through sports and try to make sure that at least in every family we are able to create employment.”

This movement is under the umbrella NPO Msawawa which has been in existence for over five years.

This movement has not shut the young girls out as they have also recently started a netball team to accommodate them and their needs.

Residents, asked if parents could assist in the journey to redirect young people from bad influences in encouraging them to join others every weekend at the Protea South grounds to go and watch just to see what they are about.

They also plan on having block meetings to invite new participants in their sports codes that include but not limited to, cycling.

“We are trying to bring youths closer to us; for those who are not here, they are certainly missing out on networking for job opportunities, making new friends and laughter,” said Motaung.

Eight teams took part in the tournament were JD Football Club took the R8000 win in the end.

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