Doing our bit
Staff members from the Springs Advertiser, African Reporter and other Caxton East Rand offices joined forces to pack food for Stop Hunger Now in celebration of Nelson Mandela's birthday.

The group joined other companies in the Oval Court of the East Rand Mall on Thursday to pack food packets which will be distributed to the needy.
During the 67 minutes, the team packed 5 boxes – each containg 36 packets – which, along with all the other boxes packed at the mall will be handed over to a Boksburg charity this weekend.
Each packet, which costs R15 to produce can feed six people, offering them the only warm, nutritious meal some of them may have access to, at a cost of only R2.50 per meal.
The East Rand Mall donated R30 000 towards the meals packed on Thursday and Caxton staff packed a total of 180 packets – or 1 080 meals which will be added to the rest of the boxes packed on Thursday to ease the hunger of a lot of East Rand residents.