Springs resident Hannes Wagner requested the metro to look at this intersection due to traffic congestion during peak hours.
“The intersection is extremely treacherous for vehicles wanting to turn right from Grootvaly Road into Welgedacht Road, especially during morning and afternoon peak periods,” he says.
Motorists coming from Strubenvale, Casseldale and Edelweiss who are using this route contribute to the traffic.
• Read: Welgedacht Road maintenance near completion
He says they make use of Grootvaly Road to avoid the CBD traffic.
“Any motorist wishing to join Welgedacht Road during peak hours needs to first clear the left-hand incoming traffic from Bakerton and the N12 lane, then wait for motorists in the middle of the road and for oncoming motorists coming from the CBD.
“This is extremely dangerous, as part of the vehicle is now obstructing the way of motorists travelling from Bakerton,” he says.
He claims the difficulty increases when another motorist from the CBD wants to turn right into Grootvaly Road at the same time.
“With the impending low cost housing development in the open field on the right into Grootvaly Road, traffic will soon become a lot busier,” says Wagner.
He suggests the metro put up a traffic light at the intersection to solve the problem.
“However, it might be too expensive, so a three-way stop street might do wonders,” he says.
Wagner says speed humps to ensure motorists stop might also achieve safety at this intersection.
Metro spokesman Themba Gadebe says a traffic warrant investigation was done in May 2012 and no traffic signals were warranted in terms of the guidelines specified in the South African Road Traffic Signs manual.
• Also read: Welgedacht in dire need of traffic lights
“Since the last investigation was conducted five years ago, another survey will be prioritised in terms of the available budget for the 2017/2018 financial year.
“The warrant investigation will reveal if the intersection needs to be signalised or not,” he says.
Welgedacht Road is a Class Three road and speed humps may not be installed on this road per metro guidelines and policy on traffic calming measures.
“A three-way stop will create major delays for the majority of motorists.
However, a proposal to assign points men at the intersection to direct traffic during peak hours will be submitted to the EMPD,” says Gadebe.
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