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Supermarket in Springs CBD robbed

A supermarket on the corner of Zig Zag Road and Seventh Street, Springs CBD, was robbed by six men on Sunday afternoon.

Six men, one of whom was armed, robbed a supermarket on the corner of Zig Zag Road and Seventh Street, Springs CBD, on Sunday afternoon.

According to police spokesperson Sergeant Themba Tshabalala, it is alleged that two men entered the shop and ordered chips at the till.

“Two other men allegedly entered forcefully, pushing one of the workers and customers into the kitchen,” said Tshabalala.

Tshabalala said one of the two men allegedly pointed a firearm at the worker and ordered him not to make any noise.

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“During the robbery, two other men entered the shop and started placing stock, cellphones and cash into a shopping basket.”

The stolen items are valued at R11 600.

The robbers fled in a white Toyota Condor with registration VX83RVGP.

Tshabalala said police are investigating a case of business robbery.

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