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Springs teams win tournament

The tournament was organised by Highlanders Football Club from Tsakanie but hosted by Bakerton Rangers in Springs.

Bakerton Rangers FC came out head and shoulders above the rest as the Springs teams competed in a tournament at Werda Primary School over the weekend.
The tournament was organised by Highlanders Football Club from Tsakanie but hosted by Bakerton Rangers in Springs.

Also read: Springs Bowling Club prepares for provincial tournament

“It was made up of U13, U15 and U17 and there were eight teams in each age group. Bakerton Rangers did very well and were in the finals of the three age groups.
“We won the U15 and U17 finals and claimed the trophy. The team were also awarded with medals and a kit,” explained Bernard Meda, the head coach.

Bakerton Rangers FC’s U15 team also placed first in the soccer tournament at Learskool Werda on Sunday.

Their U13 team settled for silver after they lost to Highlanders in a penalty shoot-out after the match ended in a stalemate.
“We are so thrilled to have been in all three finals. At the end of the day all the boys won because our aim is to keep them busy to avoid all sorts of mischief they can encounter such as drug abuse,” he added.

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