Mr Johannes Malaza is an exemplary father
After their daughter died last year, leaving behind a son, it was up to the grand parents to raise their grandson.

Mr Johannes Malaza and his wife are now playing parenting to the young son. Boitshelo Ashton Skoland was born in May in 2012 and lost his mother last year in August.
Pastor Percy Maseko said he was very proud of Mr Malaza for the role he was playing in ensuring that Boitshelo is well cared for. He said Malaza make sure that he actively participates in provision for the child and that he regularly visits the clinic.
Pastor Maseko said: “Men or fathers must make sure that they support their wives or partners and must make sure that they became involved in the lives of their family. Men must also make arrangements such as transport to help mothers get to the health facilities, especially during emergencies. They could buy potties as presents. Healthy children are the pride of a good family.

Fathers and other family members can help the mother by assisting her to cook, do laundry, wash utensils, clean the house, take older children to the clinic and provide transport to enable the mother to visit the clinic too.”
Pastor Maseko added that Mr Malaza was very supportive and if there were a prize for the best father, he would surely grab it. Hawkers selling fruits at the clinic gate in Extension 10 have also added their voice and support for Mr Malaza and promised that they will give fruits to Boitshelo every time he visits the clinic. “He is the best grandfather any child could ask for, we wish other fathers would follow his example,” they said.