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Enjoy some golf and help Elkana School

How about a birdie or two for Elkana School?

Dust off your golf clubs because the Witbank Golf Club is hosting a charity golf day in support of Elkana School.

The event will take place on July 22 and promises fun for all with great prizes to be won.

Elkana is a non-profit private educational centre, catering to children with extraordinary needs within the eMalahleni community.



Booking for your 4-ball can be made at Witbank Golf Club at R1 250 (excluding a golf cart). Golf carts can be booked at Witbank Golf Club by phoning 013 590 6907 or emailing proshop@witbankgolf.co.za.

Registration starts at 09:00 and the event will kick off at 10:00. The format will be a

2-ball better ball and a scramble drive.

For any further enquiries, you can contact Abie Smit: 072 573 2501 or Dries Marx: 083 231 9008.

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Zita Goldswain

News Editor at the Witbank News Caxton stable. Witbank News has been my ‘home’ for the past 24 years. Journalism is the ability to meet the challenge of filling the space true words said by Rebecca West. I meet challenges, get the better of them and fill space with true words.
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