Industrial Insight 2017

Zululand’s industrial sector is one of the most important drivers of the local economy.

After Gauteng province, KwaZulu-Natal’s manufacturing sector is the second largest in South Africa.

Nearly a third of South Africa’s manufactured exports are produced in KwaZulu-Natal. This sector also provides a massive 20% of the province’s employment.

Here are some of the industries that make Zululand tick.

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Tel: 035 797 3927
Tel: 035 787 1384
Tel: 076 591 3224
Tel: 084 400 0233
Tel: 035 751 1033
Tel: 083 417 1493
Tel: 035 789 0260
Tel: 035 797 3098
Tel: 083 272 4191
Tel: 035 797 3581
Tel: 035 797 3927
Tel: 035 789 7301
Tel: 035 789 6885
Tel: 035 789 3866
Tel: 035 751 2368
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