
Poachers shoot to kill

Increase in rhino poacher attacks on rangers

EZEMVELO KZN Wildlife (EKZNW) CEO, Dr Bandile Mkhize, has expressed concern about an increase in the number of shooting encounters rangers face, saying that ‘poachers are always ready to shoot to kill our field rangers’.

He was commenting after a report on the arrest of a wounded Mozambican poaching suspect after a shoot-out on Sunday.

Field rangers responded after hearing two gunshots in the later afternoon from the Nqumeni area, which is next to the KwaSithole fence line

While they searched the area, additional rangers were posted around all possible exit routes.

‘At around 17.45pm shooting ensued between three suspects and the rangers,’ said EKZN spokesman Musa Mntambo.

‘One suspect was injured during the shooting and was later arrested whilst two managed to escape.

‘A set of horns, a bag, a torch and an axe were recovered during this encounter. The fresh carcass of a white rhino was found this (Monday) morning.’

Dr Mkhize said Ezemvelo will continue to intensify its war against rhino poaching.

While 33 poachers were arrested last year, the number has increased to 39 in 2013.

To date, 63 rhinos have been poached in the province, 10 of these in private game reserves and Community Conservation Areas.

The national figure stands at 618.

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