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Fireworks continue to cause animal distress

Loud fireworks so terrified a Doberman, it began to gnaw at a metal fence to escape

AN Arboretum resident’s New Year’s eve turned sour after a group of unidentified people hurled firecrackers into her yard.

Despite being sedated, the sound of loud fireworks so terrified her six-year-old Doberman, that it began to gnaw at a metal fence in a bid to escape the noise.

As no emergency personal were available to assist, the woman was forced to stop the dog’s bleeding gums herself.

‘So far we’ve received 17 strays across Richards Bay, and only six have been claimed,’ said Richards Bay SPCA Inspector, Shelly Prinsloo

‘Community members have picked up a number of animals as well, which they are keeping at their homes. We are waiting for the owners of the remaining animals to come forward and claim them.’

A Jack Russell named Kevin made his way from Mkhulu Crescent all the way to a Transnet depot close to Naval Island.

Transnet employees managed to catch him and he was later reunited with his owners, tired and terrified.

‘People are doing their part, especially in Richards Bay, to ensure their animals are safe. Many booked their animals in the kennels and those keeping animals at home purchased sedatives to calm them,’ Prinsloo said.

Empangeni SPCA reported similar incidents and picked up four animals in the Kildare area alone. The animals have since been reunited with their owners.

‘People have to realise the effect fireworks have on animals. This year we had three separate incidents of animals being killed on the roads as they fled,’ said Empangeni Senior Inspector Roland Fivaz.

‘We tried to help as many animals as we could, but thankfully this year was relatively quiet and there were no other serious cases in the Empangeni area.’

The SPCA kennels were full over the New Year period as residents took heed of advice and booked in their animals for safekeeping.

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